About Me

What is my purpose? Why am I not happy? Why am I not satisfied?  Where am I going?
These are the questions and insecurities that the little voice in my head constantly reminded me of and stopped me from being present in life.

I'm Taryn, a 1/4 Emotional Projector with a deep passion for Reiki and Human Design. These powerful tools have not only shaped my personal journey but also enable me to support others in achieving balance, clarity, and emotional healing.

I offer personalized Reiki sessions and Human Design readings, both locally in Virginia Beach and virtually, so no matter where you are, we can work together.

As I grow professionally, I am also dedicated to exploring new methods of natural healing, including wellness techniques that complement my Reiki practice. This continuous learning allows me to offer a more integrated and enriching experience to each person I work with.

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My aim is to provide a comprehensive, nurturing environment where you feel supported and empowered on your healing journey.

Ready to explore your path to wellness? Contact me to get started.

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Are These Services for You?

Reiki fosters a deeper connection and understanding of the world, while Human Design enhances self-awareness. Together, they provide a powerful pathway to healing on the mind, body, and soul level. These services are designed for those seeking balance, clarity, and personal transformation.


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Meet the founders

Lucia Forbes
CEO & Co-Founder
Sally Smith
CFO & Co-Founder
Safia Baird
CTO & Co-Founder